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What is the Freshman Academy?

Many students treat college like an extra four years of adolescence with more free time and less parental supervision: procrastinating, partying, and dating like they are still in high school. Unfortunately, such students miss out on the truly great things college has to offer: serious learning, choosing a profession, forging great friendships, finding a spouse or vocation, & more. Through seminars and personal mentoring, the Freshman Academy helps young men to acquire the skills and virtues needed to move from high school to college, from adolescence to maturity–and to make the most of university life.

About the Academy

The Freshman Academy approaches study and hard work as part of one’s effort to live the Christian life to the full. It helps freshmen navigate the biggest change they will encounter in the passage from high school to college: the freedom of university life. College students choose how to use their time, when they go to bed, when they wake up, who they spend time with or date, etc. If freshmen do not develop good habits, they will ultimately misuse this freedom and waste their college years (and tuition money). But good habits are hard to develop, and for that reason many do not even bother forming them. Yet the rewards are compelling: excellent grades, ample time for forming friendships and doing extracurricular activities, plenty of sleep, etc. How does one form the habits necessary to achieve these goods? That’s where the Freshman Academy comes in.

About Mentoring

In addition to a series of seminars, the Academy also has a personalized mentoring program. “Why do I need mentoring?” one might ask. In high school, everyone had mentors: parents, teachers, coaches, counselors, etc. They were paying attention and holding us accountable, often without our realizing it. But in college, mentors must be sought out. The Freshman Academy provides each student with an experienced mentor to help him cultivate the habits needed to thrive at Notre Dame. 

Schedule of Sessions

Aug 31: Study Like a Pro (& Still Have a Life)
Sep 14: Courtship in College: Dos & Don'ts
Oct 5: Social Life: To Drink or Not to Drink?
Nov 2: Make Your Bed (& Other Good Habits)
Nov 23: Ambition & Purpose: Why Am I Here?
Dec 7: A Summer to Remember

All sessions begin at 12:00 p.m. and include lunch.

Registration and Further Information

Do you think the Freshman Academy is for you? Register here. Registration for the Academy entails a commitment to attend the sessions and meet regularly with one's mentor. The registration fee is $25, which covers the cost of lunch. Have any questions? Write to us at ​ We look forward to seeing you at our first session on Saturday, August 31 at 12:00 p.m. 

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